About Us

IEEE Communications Society (IEEE ComSoc) members contribute new ideas and information to our collective knowledge, developing higher industry standards, and changing the way we all communicate, for the better. Society promotes technological innovation and fosters creation and sharing of information among the global technical community. The Society provides services to members for their technical and professional advancement and forums for technical exchanges among professionals in academia, industry, and public institutions.
To bring the world together in harmony through communications and networking technology research, application, education, and incubation of new ideas. Society members can participate in the development and implementation of standards in the communications field in areas such as network management and optical communications. Supporting the leadership career path of members and continuing education for communications professionals.

We are mainly guided by four principles:

Passion for Invention
Commitment to Operational Excellence
Self and Community Enhancements
Collaboration and Cooperation
The success of our chapter is derived from the fact that we have common values and aspire to shared objectives. The principles are intended to contribute towards clarifying these values and objectives and to make them an integral part of the chapter. They therefore, describe the nature and scale of our activities and the way we treat one another.
The Board
2020 - 2021
Leadership is not about organisations, it's not about plans and not about strategies, it's about motivating and inspiring people to grow. Here is what the team that constantly provides support and motivation to IEEE ComSoc - VIT looks like:
Dr. Thanikaiselvan V, Faculty Coordinator


1st Prize - Hardware category - Parallax Hack
P. R. Santhoshram and Akash Sanjay, members of our chapter participated in the Parallax Hackathon held in the month of February 2020 at VIT along with their friends and bagged the First prize in Hardware Category.

1st Prize - Sociothon
Anil Reddy from our chapter participated in Sociothon held on February 2020 at VIT and secured its First place.

2nd Prize - Sociothon
Abhishek Nemani from the chapter participated in Sociothon held on February 2020 at VIT and won the Second place.

3rd Prize - Math-a-Thon
Afreen Ahmed from the chapter, with her friends, took part in the MathaThon organised by VIT in 2019, and bagged the Third Prize.

Winnner - Papientrega
Rajdeep Sil of the chapter participated in Papientrega 2018, SRM Kattankulthur. Speaking about his research on Visible Light Communication (Li-Fi) and his innovative approach to modern problems, he was able to win the competition.
About IEEE
IEEE is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through IEEE’s highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.
IEEE India Council is the umbrella organisation which coordinates IEEE activities in India. Its primary aim is to assist and coordinate the activities of local “Sections”, in order to benefit mutually, and avoid duplication of effort and resources. IEEE India Council was established on 20th May 1976 and is one of the five councils in the Asia Pacific Region.